Results for 'Lia J. Levitt'

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  1.  12
    Reasoning about programs.R. J. Waldinger & K. N. Levitt - 1974 - Artificial Intelligence 5 (3):235-316.
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    Mouse killing or carrying by male and female Long-Evans hooded rats.Daniel J. Lonowski, Robert A. Levitt & Scott D. Larson - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (5):349-351.
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    Carbachol-elicited mouse killing by rats: Circadian rhythm and dose response.Daniel J. Lonowski, Robert A. Levitt & William A. Dickinson - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (6):601-604.
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    Mouse killing and carrying by Maudsley and Long-Evans strain rats.Daniel J. Lonowski, Robert A. Levitt & Scott D. Larson - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (6):629-631.
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  5. Contrast dependence of contextual effects in macaque striate cortex.J. B. Levitt & J. S. Lund - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 22-22.
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    Egg distributions and the information a solitary parasitoid has and uses for its oviposition decisions.Lia Hemerik, Nelly van der Hoeven & Jacques J. M. van Alphen - 2002 - Acta Biotheoretica 50 (3):167-188.
    Approximately three decades ago the question was first answered whether parasitoids are able to assess the number or origin of eggs in a host for a solitary parasitoid, Leptopilina heterotoma, by fitting theoretically derived distributions to empirical ones. We extend the set of different theoretically postulated distributions of eggs among hosts by combining searching modes and abilities in assessing host quality. In the models, parasitoids search either randomly (Poisson) (1) or by vibrotaxis (Negative Binomial) (2). Parasitoids are: (a) assumed to (...)
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    A History of Language Philosophies.Lia Formigari - 2004 - Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamin.
    Theory and history combine in this book to form a coherent narrative of the debates on language and languages in the Western world, from ancient classic philosophy to the present, with a final glance at on-going discussions on language as a cognitive tool, on its bodily roots and philogenetic role.An introductory chapter reviews the epistemological areas that converge into, or contribute to, language philosophy, and discusses their methods, relations, and goals. In this context, the status of language philosophy is discussed (...)
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    J. Harbord, Ex-centric cinema. Giorgio Agamben and film archaeology.Lia Turtas - 2018 - Lebenswelt. Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 12.
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  9. “Eu sou, eu existo: isto é certo; mas por quanto tempo?”: o tempo, o eu e os outros eus.Lia Levy - 1997 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 2 (2):161-185.
    Ce texte propose une justification de la critique que Spinoza adresse à Descartes, par l’intermédiaire de Louis Meyer, dans la Préface des Principes de la Philosophie de Descartes ; plus particulièrement, il s’agit de reconstruire ses raisons pour affirmer qu’il n’a pas été prouvé, dans la Seconde Méditation, que la chose qui est désignée par le terme ‘je’ puisse être une substance. L’argument qui doit soutenir cette affirma- tion peut être schématisé de la façon suivante : Descartes ne peut introduire (...)
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    Euroscreen 2: Zu einer gemeinsamen Versicherungs- und Kommerzialisierungspolitik und zu einer Politik des öffentlichen Bewusstseins über Genetik. [REVIEW]Ruth Chadwick, Henk ten Have, Rogeer Hoedemaekers, Jørgen Husted, Mairi Levitt, Tony McGleenan, Darren Shickle & Urban Wiesing - 2000 - Ethik in der Medizin 12 (4):269-273.
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    Poverty and welfare in Scotland 1890–1948 Ian Levitt, Edinburgh Educational and Society Series (Columbia UP for University of Edinburgh Press, 1990, vi + 241 pp., $17.00 P.B. [REVIEW]Richard J. Smith - 1992 - History of European Ideas 14 (2):307-309.
  12.  59
    Lias's Second Epistle to the Corinthians- The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians, with Notes and Introduction. By J. J. Lias. (Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges.) Cambridge University Press. 1892. Pp. xxix. 156. 3 s[REVIEW]A. Robertson - 1893 - The Classical Review 7 (05):214-.
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    Book Reviews: The Flight from Science and Reason, edited by Paul R. Gross, Norman Levitt, and Martin W. Lewis. NY: The New York Academy of Sciences, 1996. 593 pp. Paperback. [REVIEW]James M. Humber, Paul J. Millea & Robert M. Nelson - 1999 - Journal of Medical Humanities 20 (1):65-71.
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    The First Epistle to the Corinthians, with Notes, &c. By the Rev. J. J. Lias. (Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools.).R. A. - 1887 - The Classical Review 1 (08):235-.
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    The First Epistle of S. John, with Exposition and Homiletical Treatment, by the Rev. J. J. Lias, M. A. Nisbet and Co.1887. 7 s. 6 d[REVIEW]A. Plummer - 1887 - The Classical Review 1 (2-3):71-.
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    Cinco artistas argentinas.J. Luis Germán Sierra - 2022 - Co-herencia 19 (37):307-316.
    A tono con esta afortunada relevancia de las mujeres (hay un gran estallido en todo el mundo del arte y la literatura de magníficas calidades, hechos por mujeres), vienen aquí cinco artistas argentinas: Carla Rey, Silvana Blasbalg, Romina Linder, Gabriela Juárez y Ana Lía Werthein, de entre muchas otras artistas plásticas que pertenecen al colectivo Instantes Gráficos, presidido y fundado en la ciudadbonaerense desde 1999 por la también artista Carla Rey.
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    Harlem: The Unmaking of a Ghetto.Camilo José Vergara & Timothy J. Gilfoyle - 2013 - University of Chicago Press.
    For more than a century, Harlem has been the epicenter of black America, the celebrated heart of African American life and culture—but it has also been a byword for the problems that have long plagued inner-city neighborhoods: poverty, crime, violence, disinvestment, and decay. Photographer Camilo José Vergara has been chronicling the neighborhood for forty-three years, and Harlem: The Unmaking of a Ghetto is an unprecedented record of urban change. Vergara began his documentation of Harlem in the tradition of such masters (...)
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    Norman Levitt. Reviewed work: The Undiscovered Mind: How the Human Brain Defies Replication, Medication, and Explanation by John Horgan. [REVIEW]Norman Levitt - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (2):346-347.
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    Language Philosophies and the Language Sciences: A Historical Perspective in Honor of Lia Formigari.Lia Formigari, Daniele Gambarara, Stefano Gensini & Antonino Pennisi - 1996
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    Applying futility in psychiatry: a concept whose time has come.Sarah Levitt & Daniel Z. Buchman - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):60-60.
    Since its introduction in the 1980s, futility as a concept has held contested meaning and applications throughout medicine. There has been little discussion within the psychiatric literature about the use of futility in the care of individuals experiencing severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI), despite some tacit acceptance that futility may apply in certain cases of psychiatric illness. In this paper, we explore the literature surrounding futility and argue that its connotation within medicine is to describe situations where patients (or (...)
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  21.  10
    Language and the History of Thought.Nancy S. Struever - 1995 - Boydell & Brewer.
    17 essays discussing the role of language in the history of western thought. Since Adam before the Fall named the animals by true insight into their essences, language has never ceased to be the pivot of efforts to understand human nature and our capacity to feel at home in the twin worlds of nature and society. This volume brings together seventeen essays that have appeared in the Journal of the History of Ideasover the last thirty years. Their common theme is (...)
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  22.  91
    Public Consultation in Bioethics. What's the Point of Asking the Public When They Have Neither Scientific nor Ethical Expertise?Mairi Levitt - 2003 - Health Care Analysis 11 (1):15-25.
    With the rapid development of genetic research and applications in health care there is some agreement among funding and regulatory bodies that the public(s) need to be equipped to deal with the choices that the new technologies will offer them, although this does not necessarily include a role for the public in influencing their development and regulation. This paper considers the methods and purpose of public consultations in the area of genetics including large-scale surveys of opinion, consensus conferences and focus (...)
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  23.  29
    A well placed trust? Public perceptions of the governance of DNA databases.Mairi Levitt & Sue Weldon - 2005 - .
    Biobanks that are run on an opt-in basis depend on people having the motivation to give and to trust in those who control their samples. Yet in the UK trust in the healthcare system has been in decline and there have been a number of health-related scandals that have received widespread media and public attention. Given this background, and the previous public consultations on UK Biobank, the paper explores the way people express their trust and mistrust in the area of (...)
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  24.  62
    Qualitative navigation for mobile robots.Tod S. Levitt & Daryl T. Lawton - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 44 (3):305-360.
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    The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology.C. Levitt - 1970 - Télos 1970 (6):338-343.
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    Let the consumer decide? The regulation of commercial genetic testing.Mairi Levitt - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (6):398-403.
    Objectives—The development of predictive genetic tests provides a new area where consumers can gain knowledge of their health status and commercial opportunities. “Over-the-counter” or mail order genetic tests are most likely to provide information on carrier status or the risk of developing a multifactorial disease. The paper considers the social and ethical implications of individuals purchasing genetic tests and whether genetic information is different from other types of health information which individuals can obtain for themselves.Design—The discussion is illustrated by findings (...)
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    My Genes Made Me Do It? The Implications of Behavioural Genetics for Responsibility and Blame.Mairi Levitt & Neil Manson - 2007 - Health Care Analysis 15 (1):33-40.
    The idea of individual responsibility for action is central to our conception of what it is to be a person. Behavioural genetic research may seem to call into question the idea of individual responsibility with possible implications for the criminal justice system. These implications will depend on the understandings of the various agencies and professional groups involved in responding to violent and anti-social behaviour, and, the result of negotiations between them over resulting practice. The paper considers two kinds of approaches (...)
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    Let the consumer decide? The regulation of commercial genetic testing.D. M. Levitt - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (6):398-403.
    Objectives—The development of predictive genetic tests provides a new area where consumers can gain knowledge of their health status and commercial opportunities. “Over-the-counter” or mail order genetic tests are most likely to provide information on carrier status or the risk of developing a multifactorial disease. The paper considers the social and ethical implications of individuals purchasing genetic tests and whether genetic information is different from other types of health information which individuals can obtain for themselves.Design—The discussion is illustrated by findings (...)
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    Prometheus bedeviled: science and the contradictions of contemporary culture.Norman Levitt - 1999 - New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
    A professor of mathematics offers an analysis of the roles science plays within American society, providing suggestions for a more effective interchange between scientists and key United States institutions.
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  30. An analysis of elementary teachers' beliefs regarding the teaching and learning of science.Karen E. Levitt - 2002 - Science Education 86 (1):1-22.
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    Commentary on Donaldson’s Social Contract for Business.Leon Levitt - 1986 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 5 (1):47-50.
  32.  23
    UK Biobank: a model for public engagement?Mairi Levitt - 2005 - Genomics, Society and Policy 1 (3):1-4.
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    Why Do Increased Arrest Rates Appear To Reduce Crime: Deterrence, Incapacitation, or Measurement Error?Steven D. Levitt - 1998 - Economic Inquiry 36 (3):353-372.
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  34.  51
    Forensic databases: benefits and ethical and social costs.Mairi Levitt - 2007 - .
    Introduction: This article discusses ethical, legal and social issues raised by the collection, storage and use of DNA in forensic databases. Review: The largest and most inclusive forensic database in the world, the UK National DNA database, leads the worldwide trend towards greater inclusivity. The performance of the NDNAD, criteria for inclusion, legislative framework and plans for integrating forensic databases across Europe are discussed. Comparisons are drawn with UK biobank that has started collecting DNA samples linked to medical records and, (...)
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    Biot’s Paper and Arago’s Plates.Theresa Levitt - 2003 - Isis 94 (3):456-476.
  36.  13
    Could the organ shortage ever be met?Mairi Levitt - 2015 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 11 (1).
    The organ shortage is commonly presented as having a clear solution, increase the number of organs donated and the problem will be solved. In the light of the Northern Ireland Assembly’s consultation on moving to an opt-out organ donor register this article focusses on the social factors and complexities which impact strongly on both the supply of, and demand for, transplantable organs. Judging by the experience of other countries presumed consent systems may or may not increase donations but have not (...)
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  37. Freud and Dewey on the Nature of Man.M. LEVITT - 1960
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    Stimulus attributes and drive in paired-associate learning.Herbert Levitt & Albert E. Goss - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (3):243.
  39. Reply to Udo schuklenk.Mairi Levitt & Hub Zwart - 2010 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 7 (1):89-90.
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    The Flight from science and reason.Paul R. Gross, Norman Levitt & Martin W. Lewis (eds.) - 1996 - New York N.Y.: The New York Academy of Sciences.
    "Evidence of a flight from reason is as old as human record-keeping: the fact of it certainly goes back an even longer way. Flight from science specifically, among the forms of rational inquiry, goes back as far as science itself... But rejection of reason is now a pattern to be found in most branches of scholarship and in all the learned professions."--from the introduction In the widely acclaimed Higher Superstition: The Academic Left and Its Quarrels with Science, Paul R. Gross (...)
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    A methodological study of the preparation of connected verbal stimuli for quantitative memory experiments.Eugene E. Levitt - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 52 (1):33.
  42.  16
    A Sociological Perspective on Genetic Screening.Mairi Levitt - 1997 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 3 (2):19-21.
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    Behavioural genetics and risk of 'criminality' : Commentary.Mairi Levitt - 2006 - .
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  44. Borderlands of Science: Where Sense Meets Nonsense.N. Levitt - 2001 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 14 (2):137-140.
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    Beyond the juxtaposition of nature and culture: Lawrence Krader, interdisciplinarity, and the concept of the human being.Cyril Levitt (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The essays contained in Beyond the Juxtaposition of Nature and Culture represent an attempt by scholars from Canada, Germany, and Mexico to come to grips with the innovative work of the American philosopher and anthropologist Lawrence Krader who has proposed nothing less than a new theory of nature, according to which there are at least three different orders--the material-biotic, the quantum, and the human--which differ from one another according to their different configurations of space-time, and which cannot be reduced the (...)
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  46. Ethical issues [in social measurement]: an overview.Mairi Levitt & Garrath Williams - 2004 - In Kimberly Kempf-Leonard, Encyclopedia of Social Measurement. Elsevier.
    Ethical issues surrounding research are complex and multifaceted. There are issues concerning: the methods used, the intended purpose, the foreseen and unforeseen effects, the use and dissemination of findings, and, not least, what is and what fails to be researched. - In this article we break down the issues into two main categories: (I) how the research itself is done; and (II) how it is determined by and in turn affects a wider context. In the first section we discuss familiar (...)
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    Euripides, Medea 1181–4.N. Levitt - 1964 - The Classical Review 14 (01):1-2.
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    Engendering the Jewish Past: Towards a More Feminist Jewish Studies.Laura Levitt - 2008 - Feminist Theology 16 (3):365-378.
    To engender the Jewish past is to continue to question how and what we think we already know about Jewish history and Jewish memory. In order to imagine other stories, we must risk engaging in other ways of doing Jewish study. Only by repeatedly engaging in these other practices can we begin to undo the assumptions about gender we have come to assume as normal or natural. This paper explores first, what it means to engender the Jewish past and then (...)
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  49. Formal analyses and critical thinking.John Levitt, Rena Levitt, Richard Holman & Eric Bonabeau - 2017 - In Stephen Michael Kosslyn, Ben Nelson & Robert Kerrey, Building the intentional university: Minerva and the future of higher education. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
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    Freedom and Empowerment: A Transformative Pedagogy of Educational Reform.Roberta Levitt - 2008 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 44 (1):47-61.
    Based on Foucault's discourse on freedom and empowerment, this article addresses his understanding of power and knowledge. By critically examining the negative impact of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 on education, the author discusses the transformative power of Foucault's pedagogy for educational reform in which students, teachers, parents, and scholars are agents of change.
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